Susi AI is an intelligent Open Source personal assistant. It is fully customizable and developed by a community of developers. It is capable of chat and voice interaction by using APIS to perform actions such as music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and other real-time information. Additional functionalities can be added as console services using external APIs. Susi AI is able to answer questions and depending on the context will ask for additional information in order to perform the desired outcome. The core of the assistant is the Susi AI server that holds the "intelligence" and "personality" of Susi AI. The Android and web applications make use of the APIs to access information from a hosted server.
1. Login/Signup functionality to get fully customized settings.
2. Interactive and appealing way to answer user queries using images, maps, RSS feed etc.
3. Speech input and output to interact with the user without needing them to type everything.
4. Hotword detection feature to interact with SUSI in hands-free mode. You just need to say "susi" to activate voice input and then you can ask SUSI anything.
5. Feedback feature to improve SUSI responses. You can like or dislike SUSI response to rate them.
Want to contribute:
Please write us your suggestions and feedback to make this app wonderful. We appreciate your suggestions & feedbacks and will surely consider them for the future updates.
Susi AI adalah bijak Sumber Terbuka pembantu peribadi. Ia adalah sepenuhnya disesuaikan dan dibangunkan oleh komuniti pembangun. Ia mampu chat dan interaksi suara dengan menggunakan APIS untuk melakukan tindakan seperti main balik muzik, membuat senarai to-do, menetapkan penggera, streaming podcast, bermain buku audio, dan menyediakan cuaca, lalu lintas, dan maklumat masa sebenar lain. fungsi tambahan boleh ditambah perkhidmatan konsol menggunakan API luaran. Susi AI mampu untuk menjawab soalan dan bergantung kepada konteks akan meminta maklumat tambahan untuk melaksanakan keputusan yang dikehendaki. Teras pembantu adalah pelayan Susi AI yang memegang "perisikan" dan "personaliti" Susi AI. Android dan aplikasi web menggunakan API untuk mengakses maklumat dari pelayan tuan rumah.
1. Login / fungsi Daftar untuk mendapatkan tetapan yang disesuaikan sepenuhnya.
2. Interactive dan cara menarik untuk menjawab pertanyaan pengguna menggunakan imej, peta, suapan RSS dan lain-lain
3. input pertuturan dan output untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna tanpa memerlukan mereka untuk menaip segala-galanya.
4. Sebutan Laluan ciri pengesanan untuk berinteraksi dengan SUSI dalam mod bebas tangan. Anda hanya perlu untuk mengatakan "susi" untuk mengaktifkan input suara dan kemudian anda boleh meminta SUSI apa-apa.
5. Maklumbalas ciri untuk meningkatkan tindak balas SUSI. Anda boleh suka atau tidak suka sambutan SUSI untuk mengadar mereka.
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Mahu menyumbang:
Sila tulis kepada kami cadangan anda dan maklum balas untuk membuat aplikasi ini indah. Kami menghargai cadangan ataupun maklum balas anda dan pasti akan menganggap mereka untuk kemas kini masa hadapan.
Susi AI is an intelligent Open Source personal assistant. It is fully customizable and developed by a community of developers. It is capable of chat and voice interaction by using APIS to perform actions such as music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and other real-time information. Additional functionalities can be added as console services using external APIs. Susi AI is able to answer questions and depending on the context will ask for additional information in order to perform the desired outcome. The core of the assistant is the Susi AI server that holds the "intelligence" and "personality" of Susi AI. The Android and web applications make use of the APIs to access information from a hosted server.
1. Login/Signup functionality to get fully customized settings.
2. Interactive and appealing way to answer user queries using images, maps, RSS feed etc.
3. Speech input and output to interact with the user without needing them to type everything.
4. Hotword detection feature to interact with SUSI in hands-free mode. You just need to say "susi" to activate voice input and then you can ask SUSI anything.
5. Feedback feature to improve SUSI responses. You can like or dislike SUSI response to rate them.
Want to contribute:
Please write us your suggestions and feedback to make this app wonderful. We appreciate your suggestions & feedbacks and will surely consider them for the future updates.